
ruby-align Attribute | rubyAlign参数属性


Sets or retrieves the position of the ruby text specified by the rt object.


HTML { ruby-align : sRubyAlign }
Scriptingobject.style.rubyAlign [ = sRubyAlign ]


sRubyAlignString that specifies or receives one of the following values:
autoDefault. Browser determines how the ruby text is aligned. The recommended behavior for an ideographic (Asian character) ruby is to be aligned in the distribute-space mode. The recommended behavior for a Latin character ruby is to be aligned in the center mode.
leftRuby text is left-aligned with the base.
centerRuby text is centered within the width of the base. If the length of the base is smaller than the length of the ruby text, the base is centered within the width of the ruby text.
rightRuby text is right-aligned with the base.
distribute-letterRuby text is evenly distributed across the width of the base if the width of the ruby text is smaller than the width of the base. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of the base, the ruby text is center-aligned.
distribute-spaceRuby text is evenly distributed across the width of the base if the width of the ruby text is smaller than the width of the base. White space precedes the first and follows the last character in the ruby text, equal to half the kerning of the ruby text. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of the base, the ruby text is centered.
line-edgeRuby text is centered if it is not adjacent to a line edge. If it is adjacent to a line edge, the side of the ruby text lines up with the side of the base text.

The property is read/write for all objects except the following, for which it is read-only: currentStyle. The property has a default value of auto. The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) attribute is not inherited.

Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see about dynamic properties.


the rubyalign property specifies the alignment of the ruby text defined by the rt object, and is set on the ruby object.


This example uses the ruby-align attribute and the rubyAlign property to set the alignment of the ruby text. It uses an inline style sheet to set the ruby-align attribute to right.

<RUBY ID=oRuby STYLE = "ruby-align: right">
Ruby base.
<RT>Ruby text.
TYPE=button VALUE="Center"
This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.


This property is defined in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Level 3 (CSS3) Non-Microsoft link.

Applies To

currentStyle, RUBY, runtimeStyle, style


rubyposition, rubyOverhang